Leet Haugh, Coldstream
Leet Haugh, Coldstream
Hudson Hisrel LLP
121 No. Residential Units
Civil Engineering Services
Structural Engineering Services
Geo-Environmental Services
Construction Monitoring
The project developed over a number of phases will deliver 121 No. units for sale.
The style reflects traditional courtyard steading with feature arches, stone wall and natural finishes incorporated into the design.
The buildings are of timber frame construction on strip foundations.
Design to "Designing Streets" the development in used as an exemplary development by Scottish Borders in promoting "Homezones" within new build developments.
SUDS incorporated an offsite attenuation basin in adjacent farmland connection to adjacent watercourse treatment provide by swales, filter trenches and porous paving. Foul drainage utilised a pump solution discharging to large tank sewer providing storage prior to discharge to Scottish Water Network.