Anderston Regeneration, Glasgow
Anderston, Glasgow
Sanctuary Scotland Housing Association
Construction of Affordable Dwellings
Civil Engineering Services
Structural Engineering Services
Geo-Environmental Services
Construction Monitoring
Appointed as structural and civil engineers, this project consists of new build units on 5 phases and demolition of existing multi storey blocks.
Each of the 5 phases features a different aesthetic created by various Project Architects, replacing eight and nine storey concrete framed blocks which were demolished to make way for this strategic regeneration of the area.
The structures for all phases utilise a hybrid construction of four storeys timber frame construction and two storeys of traditional masonry construction, supported on concrete reinforced ground beams and piled foundation solution.
The key challenges to the various phases of the project included;
Significant level changes across the site and the requirement to minimise retaining structures.
Detail negotiation with Roads and Scottish Water with respect to adoptable elements.
Flood Routing consideration relating to a major trunk main, potential fracture.