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Clyde Gateway Phase 3, Glasgow


Clyde Gateway, Glasgow


Aberdeen Standard Investments


7000m2 of Class 4 & 6 Industrial Units


Civil Engineering Services

Structural Engineering Services

Geo-Environmental Services

Construction Monitoring

The project involved the detail design of 3No buildings forming a third phase of development on a site prepared for development by Scottish an earlier enabling contract.  Due to the nature of the underlying ground conditions and high floor loads requested by the Client a detail investigation and load settlement analysis was undertaken with predicted settlement for various floor loadings provided allowing the Client to optimise parameters.


Foundations for the buildings were piled and a weight reduction,  through level adjustment and geotextile reinforced subgrade, was implemented for the floors to accommodate the required loading. The building structures consisted of either single or double span portal framed construction with elevations utilising a mix of profiled and composite cladding.


Externally roads and drainage were designed with local primary SUDs features incorporating swales, filter trenches and below ground attenuation before discharge to the site wide SUDs features.

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